Sunday, 27 October 2013

New Year, New Resolution, Same Old Results...

Yes, I know it's still October, but the New Year is less than 10 weeks away!

Most people think about New Year resolutions sometime between Christmas and December 31st - "I must go on a diet - I've eaten too much!", "I'm so unfit - I'll join a gym in the New Year", "This time I'm definitely giving up smoking!".

Most of these sincerely-held resolutions will have burned out before Twelfth Night, not through lack of intention at the start, but through lack of preparedness.

You must have heard the old adage: 'fail to plan, plan to fail'.

Well this is as true for New Year resolutions as anything else.

Firstly, deciding to take up or give up something on New Year's Day when you're hungover on champagne from toasting the New Year and hoarse from karaoke and ciggies is probably not the best time.

Far better to plan to start a week or so later when things have quietened down and your brain has recovered.

Secondly, plan your strategy: cold turkey (and  I don't mean Christmas leftovers) is not always the best way. Cutting down on your intake of food, booze, ciggies etc. a little bit at a time gives a far more reliable result than giving something up totally from the off.

The same is true for exercise - trying to commit to an hour a day at the gym when you haven't exercised for years is almost a recipe for failure. Instead, consider a short session one day a week, plus a bit more walking the rest of the week. As you get fitter you will naturally want to take more sessions.

Thirdly, if you fall off the wagon, get back on again! One bad day when you break your diet, or have a smoke, or miss the gym doesn't mean that all is lost. Just get back on track the next day.

If you feel that your willpower is lacking you might want to consider some extra help and the self- hypnosis MP3s from may be just the thing.

They cover a huge range of subjects including weight loss, giving up smoking, reducing alcohol abuse, stopping nail biting and exercise motivation as well as self growth and personal improvement. All these cost less than $20 per session and some are available in bundles of 4 for less than $35. And they all come with a 14-day 100% money-back guarantee.

Check out their website and see if this New Year you can keep those resolutions.

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