Hello! Over the past few years I've become very interested in just how much of our daily existence is affected by our minds. Did you know you can literally will yourself to death?
Your brain is an amazing thing - not only does it keep your body ticking over, it absolutely determines everything about you: your weight, your fitness, your ability to change your life even.
How come?
Well, there is a well-known quotation attributed to Henry Ford 'whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't; you're right'.
And that's basically it - whatever your brain decides, that's what'll happen.
If your brain says you can't lose weight, then sure as eggs is eggs, you won't lose weight.
If your brain says you're a born loser then it's Skid Row for you. Nothing you can do about it.
Or can you?
My research leads me to believe that you can. You just need to take control of your brain: your thoughts, your attitude, your feelings.
How many times have you read about someone with severely limited capacity, either mental or physical, who has overcome their limitations and achieved amazing things?
How did they do it? By not accepting their brain's assertion that their problem somehow meant they couldn't do things.
And if they can do it, so can you.
So I'll be posting here about things that can help you achieve the sort of life you want, despite your brain telling you that you can't have it.
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